2017… thank you so much

2017... gracias por tanto

To all the people, companies and entities that trust us. Thank you for a year full of #collaboration #learning #growth #conversations #change and lots of #VisualThinking. Mila Esker Guztioi!! Thank you!!! #OrganizationsQueAprenden #OrganizacionesQueComunican #VisualThinking #LenguajeVIsual #FacilitaciónVisual #GraphicFacilitation #TeamCoaching #TeamCoaching #GraphicRecording EyeKontact is @muxotepotolobat’s Visual Thinking, Team Coaching and Visual Facilitation service.

Team coaching, fundamental in the company

Coaching de equipos, fundamental en la empresa

Work teams are essential in any company. An established, well-integrated team with drive and enthusiasm will perform at its best, providing the greatest benefits in all aspects. However, over time it is logical that they begin to show signs of wear and tear, and that is where team coaching becomes important. Coaching has been shown […]